Legionnaire Steven Russell is the current Service Officer representing American Legion Post 67. He is a Navy retired legion member.
Legionnaire Russell has been trained to assist eligible military veterans and their families with the latest beneficence available.
Please feel free to contact Steven with any questions, comments, or concerns.
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced its commitment to extend debt relief to Veterans adversely impacted by COVID-19 to the end of 2020 by suspending certain debt collection actions.
The department recognizes Veterans and beneficiaries are still being greatly impacted by the coronavirus prompting the extension of financial relief.
“Veterans and their families should be focused on their health and safety during the pandemic,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. “VA is taking action to give those with pending debts greater flexibility during these challenging times.”
VA is suspending all actions on Veteran debts under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Treasury Department. This includes the suspension of collection action or extending repayment terms on preexisting VA debts, whichever the Veteran prefers.
For benefit debts, Veterans should contact the VA Debt Management Center at 1-800-827-0648.
For health care debts, Veterans should contact the Health Resource Center at 1-866-400-1238 or https://www.pay.gov for payments.
Starting on Jan. 1, 2021, TRICARE Select Group A retired beneficiaries must pay monthly enrollment fees in order to maintain their TRICARE health coveragehttps://tricare.mil/Plans/Enroll/Select/EnrollmentFeesSelect Enrollment FeesIf you have TRICARE Select, you must pay enrollment fees, unless you are:
For current costs, visit the TRICARE Compare Cost Tool. a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
If you’re a Group A retired beneficiary, you and your family must pay a monthly TRICARE Select enrollment fee to maintain your TRICARE Select coverage.
Your enrollment fee will be waived, if you’re:
Do you use TRICARE For Life, TRICARE Prime, or a Premium-Based Plan?
If so, this change won't affect you. This information is for you only if you're enrolled in TRICARE Select. Want to check your plan's costs? Visit www.tricare.mil/costs. For more information on TRICARE For Life, visit www.tricare.mil/tfl.
What Do I Need to Do?
Before TRICARE Open Season ends, you’ll need to set up a monthly enrollment fee premium payment. If you:
What Happens if I Don’t Take Action?
You’ll be disenrolled from TRICARE Select for failure to pay enrollment fees on Jan. 1, 2021. You’ll have 90 days from your last paid through date to request reinstatement. You must contact your regional contractor to request reinstatement.
If you don’t take action, you’ll only be able to get care from a military hospital or clinic if space is available.
Last Updated 9/2/2020 you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Please note this very important link to many VA programs: